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Category Archives: General
Myers’ Amendments to Godwin’s Law
You might have heard of something called Godwin’s Law: “As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1.” I would like to suggest “Myers’ First Amendment to Godwin’s Law”, as follows: If … Continue reading
Some thoughts about the Charter of Quebec Values
I am a professor of Philosophy and Humanities at Heritage College, which is a regional anglophone college in Quebec’s unique CEGEP system of higher education. As such, I am also a provincial public servant, and the proposed Charter of Quebec … Continue reading
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Free Books! “Clan Fianna” and “The Earth, The Gods, and The Soul”
This fall, I am publishing two new books: in Nonfiction / Philosophy: “The Earth, The Gods, and the Soul: A History of Pagan Philosophy” (Moon Books / John Hunt International) in Fiction / Fantasy / Contemporary: “Clan Fianna” (Northwest Passage … Continue reading
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Why I love The Waterboys
I was eighteen years old, and drinking my first (legal) pint of Guinness in a Scottish pub in Fergus Ontario, with both my parents beside me, when I heard The Waterboys “Fisherman’s Blues” for the first time. The barman was … Continue reading
Politics is theatre
A selection from the novel that I’m currently writing. (Although I might edit this, when the manuscript is complete.) I’ve been studying history for a few years now, and one of the things you learn by studying history is that … Continue reading
Two facts about ebooks that every writer should know
Prompted by messages from readers of my books, and various agencies and professionals offering to sell me various services, I feel the need (yet again!) to dispel some illusions about the nature of self-publishing. It seems to me that the … Continue reading
You don’t have to cast a circle
My best friend Frosty and I normally attend a large pagan festival at this time of year. But this year we just didn’t have enough money. At first we wanted to go camping elsewhere, but we eventually settled for hanging … Continue reading
Professor Bren Experiments On His Students
About two weeks ago, I caught a plagiarism case in two papers submitted to me by two students, in which it large portions of the text of their papers were identical to each other. (I caught it “old school”, by … Continue reading
The Lunsford Test, or, What’s Wrong with “Boob Armour”?
Within twenty minutes of my tweeting this link about putting an end to “boob armour” in fantasy game development, I got three private messages in my twitter inbox about how it’s all just fantasy and it doesn’t matter, so I … Continue reading
Question: Are We Getting More Aggressive?
On a train, back in February, the fellow sitting next to me complained that the train had slowed down when it entered Toronto. “All the other trains should just get out of our way,” he said. When I replied that … Continue reading
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