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Category Archives: General
Why not us?
Following up from the last post: Notwithstanding the protests against public service budget cuts in various American states, notably Wisconsin, I think that a movement for democracy like the one in the Arab world is very unlikely in the Western … Continue reading
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Breaking the Fear Barrier
We’ve been told for over a decade now that Arabs, and Muslims generally, are all terrorists. We’ve been told that we have to support Arab dictatorships in the name of security. But with courageous democratic uprisings happening all over the … Continue reading
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And the next book!
Friends, “the relationships book”, or “Number Six”, as I have been calling it for the last two or three years, now has a publishing contract! Early this week I was offered a contract to publish “Circles of Meaning, Labyrinths of … Continue reading
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Bren appears on Elemental Castings
Thorn Coyle and I have a lovely chat about self knowledge, loneliness, and spirituality in Episode #38 of “Elemental Castings” podshow. I enjoyed recording it with her; I hope you enjoy listening in. 🙂 Here’s the link: http://www.thorncoyle.com/podcasts.html
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What kills people?
Well friends, If it isn’t the guns that kill people, And if it isn’t the thousands of hours of hate and fear on TV and radio that plants into the minds of (unbalanced) people (who have guns) the idea of … Continue reading
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New Contest for “Loneliness and Revelation”
Never been to the symphony, or the opera? Want to go Outward Bound? Can’t afford the Gaia Gathering, or a seat at an NHL game? Brendan Myers, author of “Loneliness and Revelation”, is offering you a chance to attend any … Continue reading
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Update on the writing process for “Number Six”
I have decided today to write up the proposal for my sixth book, and send it on to the publisher. This is not, of course, a guarantee that the book will be published. I don’t normally chase after publishers until … Continue reading
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Phrases That Must Die
Here are a few words and phrases that I’ve overheard people saying in public places which, in my judgment, must die. Uttering them can damage the speaker himself, because they reinforce ignorance or callousness or cold-heartedness, or other dispositions that … Continue reading
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Bren’s thoughts on the Wikileaks release of the US Embassy Cables
The release of the contents of the US Embassy cables via the Wikileaks organization has recently fascinated me, not only in terms of the content of the cables themselves, but also the way that governments, mainstream media organizations, and individuals … Continue reading
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Lots of responses to my last blog post (the one on parenthood / non-parenthood). Maybe I should start blogging more often again. 🙂