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Category Archives: General
Why no children?
At thirty-six years old, I have no children of my own. It is likely that I never will. There have always been children in my life, of course: the offspring of my sisters and of my other friends. I know … Continue reading
Posted in General
Book Launch Give-Away!
If you’d like to win the very first signed copy of my new book, “Loneliness and Revelation”, and also a copy of “The Island”, my music CD, then here’s a contest for you. Post your favourite quotation from one of … Continue reading
The insidious endlessness of the question “why?”.
Most of the time, we are too busy, too tired, or too distracted to address question of why things are the way they are. Some people proactively discourage the question. Yet the question why transports the mind beyond the here … Continue reading
Things to do this week.
– Participate in local park, neighbourhood, or riverside clean-ups. – Join an organic food co-op. Learn to cook. Host a dinner party. – Join a book club and read a mythological text such as the Illiad, or the Prose Edda … Continue reading
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The Twenty-First Century Blood Feud
I have occasionally advocated the revival of some of the values of “the heroic society”. But one of the values of that kind of society which ought not to be revived is the blood feud. This is basically a kind … Continue reading
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Making music!
Some of you might know that at last year’s Kaleidoscope Gathering, I attended a sumbelritual where I made an oath. I promised that I would (finally!) record an album of my own music, with a minimum of eight original songs … Continue reading
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Surviving the Heat Wave
My house does not have air conditioning. So when a heat wave came to Ontario, with temperatures of 33 degrees or hotter for four days in a row, my partner and I had to find other ways to keep cool. … Continue reading
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